Blumberg Environmental Planning & Design Co.

Keshi Plaza C-6B
28 Xinxi Rd. Haidian Dist.
Beijing 100085
P.R. China

We are specialized in the following ecotechnologies:

  • constructed wetlands
  • reed bed sludge treatment
  • stormwater treatment wetlands
  • green wetland roofs
  • floating islands
  • natural swimming pools
  • wetland restoration

Floating islands

Floating islands

Artificial and natural floating islands are characterized by buoyant dense mats of roots and rhizomes of marsh plants (helophytes).

Common genera of marsh plants (emergent aquatic macrophytes) forming floating islands are Phragmites, Typha, Phalaris, Glyceria, Cyperus, Eichhornia among others with air filled aerenchyma tissues.

In tropical regions like South-Vietnam we tested different species like Persicaria, Neptunia, Ipomoea, Limnocharis, Hydrocotyle, Cyperus, Colocasia successfully, even under conditions of high strength industrial wastewater (starch production) in a pretreatment pond.

In most applications we use a special textile plant carrier as a platform structure to support the buoyancy of the wetland plants (helophytes). 

Floating islands

The plant roots growing in the water take up nutrients and provide large surfaces on their root and rhizome mats for active biofilms (microbes improving water quality). By shading the water surface floating root mats suppress the proliferation of algae. Floating rafts provide wildlife habitats for waterfowl above the water surface and breeding areas for young fishes in the network of roots and rhizomes below (submerged).

Floating islands

We use floating islands (floating rafts) in our treatment wetland projects for the removal of pollutants in water bodies and for different other purposes alongside with constructed wetlands for nearly 25 years.

More information and some of our reference projects are presented under:

For purchase of floating islands look at www.rhizotech.de or at similar websites.

Blumberg Engineers in Germany:

Blumberg Engineers
 Ingenieurbüro Blumberg

Gänsemarkt 10
D-37120 Bovenden

www.blumberg-engineers.com »

Since 2003 we realize constructed wetlands with our Chinese partner companies:

Liaoning Best Enterprise

China Huaxi Engineering
P.R. China

www.lnbsd.cn »

Suzhou DeHua Eco Tech Ltd.

Room 401 - 402
No. 110 JiuHua Road
Suzhou Industrial Park 215027
P.R. China

www.dehua-eco.com »
